

The first and main stage of construction, even before the creation of the project itself, it is extremely important to carry out professional engineering surveys in order to determine the degree of suitability of a particular area of the terrain for the design and construction of any building or structure.

Geodetic works in construction are an integral part of any project and construction.
They combine a whole range of various surveys that help to obtain more accurate information about the building site. This direction allows you to study the technical conditions of the area under development, draw up a master plan, taking into account the most profitable and expedient use of the territory. Also, similar work is carried out when creating and updating topographic maps.

The complex of works on geodesy at all stages of construction work includes:

  1. Topographic survey (a set of works that allow you to create topographic maps and plans of the area)
  2. Creation of a geo-base (a set of multi-scale topographic maps that serve as the basis for drawing up plans and various documentation)
  3. Geodetic breakdown (stage of making a construction project in nature)
  4. Executive survey (measurement of parameters of a finished object and comparison with design data, as well as existing underground communications)

Engineering and geological surveys make it possible to determine the geomorphological and geohydrological processes occurring in the study area, to determine the composition and properties of the soil; level, composition and aggressiveness to various building materials of groundwater predict changes in current engineering and geological processes. The morphological characteristics obtained in the process of studying, such as the river flow speed, width, depth, bottom topography, longitudinal profiles, river cross-sectional area, changes in level, water surface, etc., are used in the construction of hydraulic structures, bridges, reservoirs. In the process of engineering and geological surveys, the physical and mechanical properties of soils lying on the sites of the projected structures, the presence and depth of underground waters, the selection of soil is carried out by drilling wells along the perimeter of the building and the depth of the foundation. The data obtained is used to select the type of foundations, strength characteristics of the designed building. In the production of engineering and geological surveys for low-rise buildings (cottages, country houses, small storage and utility facilities), there are already calculated norms for the volume of drilling and sampling of soil for analysis.

If it is necessary to conduct surveys for multi-storey construction or large production facilities, the customer will need a technical assignment for the production of geological works, agreed with the organization that designs this facility. In this case, an individual program of engineering and geological surveys is developed for a specific construction object, taking into account its technical characteristics, building area, geological structure and prospective engineering and geological processes in a given area.

The estimated volume of geotechnical surveys should be sufficient to justify a complex of design solutions:

  1. Justification of the technical feasibility and economic feasibility of building an object in this area
  2. Comparison of possible options for the location of the designed facility and the choice of the optimal one
  3. Justification of the layout of buildings and structures of the designed facility according to the selected option
  4. Argumentation of design schemes of foundations and environment of buildings and structures
  5. Implementation of technical and architectural supervision of construction work

These works are carried out at the earliest stage of construction and are a necessary part of a competent
design. Correctly executed geology of the site makes it possible to explore the relief of soil and layers at a depth of 50 meters.

The geotechnical survey includes

  1. Well drilling
  2. Field studies of soils (static, dynamic sounding, testing of soils with a stamp, etc.)
  3. Geophysical surveys
  4. Hydrogeological surveys (experimental pumping, hydrogeological modeling, etc.)
  5. Stationary observations (monitoring)
  6. Laboratory studies of soils and groundwater
  7. Inspection of soils of foundations of existing buildings and structures
  8. Making a forecast of changes in engineering and geological conditions
  9. Assessment of hazard and risk of geological processes

The first stage of geotechnical surveys is well placement. Wells are made along the contours, as well as along the axes of the structure. To ensure high-quality performance of geological prospecting works, the experts of our company calculate the required well depth based on the following considerations:

  1. Locations of the construction object, regional features of the territory
  2. Purpose, type, class of the construction object
  3. Type of foundation
  4. Height, width, length of the construction object
  5. Additional features of the construction site

Field surveys are carried out by a team of qualified drillers with a drilling rig based on KAMAZ

  1. Driving workings and selection of monoliths for laboratory studies of physical and mechanical properties of soil with the definition of characteristics for specific schemes for calculating the foundations of foundations
  2. Determination of standard mechanical characteristics of soils using static, dynamic and drilling sensing
  3. Physical and mathematical modeling of the interaction of buildings and structures with the geological environment
  4. Special studies of soil characteristics according to separate programs for non-standard, including non-linear methods for calculating the foundations of foundations and structures of buildings and structures
  5. Geotechnical control of construction of buildings, structures and adjacent territories

The second stage is laboratory tests in an accredited testing laboratory.
Experts of the testing laboratory have extensive experience in the field of geological surveys and have completed quality management training in accordance with ISO / IEC 17025-2009 and advanced training on the modernized automatic ASIS system.

Laboratory tests of soils are performed to determine the parameters of the properties of soils to succumb to static loads and dynamic influences. In the laboratory, the soils are loaded and unloaded, shifted, deformed in various ways, simulating the processes of reducing the pressure on the soil during the construction of excavations, and then a sharp increase in the load during the construction of the building.

Laboratory studies and tests to determine the building parameters of soil properties are accurate.

Pressure is created on the ground, according to the specified parameters, which will be created after construction.
If the structure is subject to dynamic influences, not only from mechanisms inside, but also from external influences – for example, a railway or tram line, or a highway – then additional soil testing.

As part of engineering and geological surveys, laboratory and geological studies of the physical and mechanical properties of soils are carried out in compression and shear devices, in triaxial compression devices.

As a result of laboratory research, the name, composition, condition, physical and mechanical properties of soils are determined. Geological studies of the soil are carried out in order to identify the properties of adhesion and deformation of the soil massif, to simulate the effect of a structure on the soil.

The study of the physical parameters of soils in laboratory conditions includes


  1. Natural moisture
  2. Soil density
  3. Soil porosity
  4. Plasticity numbers
  5. Degree of moisture
  6. Degree of fluidity
  7. Type of soil
  8. Ability of soil to shrink, swelling properties

The study of physical and mechanical parameters of soil in laboratory conditions includes:

  1. Determination of the level of soil strength during shear
  2. Determination of the ability to deform
  3. Determination of the strength of the soil at the moment of compression in one axis
  4. The ability to give subsidence and subsidence pressure , which is present initially
  5. Exploring the angle of the slope, resulting in a natural way

All studies are carried out in accordance with the established requirements.
The third stage is the preparation of a technical report and tables on their basis, design work is already underway for the construction of a pit for the construction object, the choice of a foundation, methods of its protection from moisture are selected.

The technical report consists of:

  1. Office processing of the received field surveys
  2. Statistical processing of laboratory tests
  3. Development of geological sections and schemes

Upon completion of the field and laboratory work, the customer is presented with a complete picture of the features of the hydrology of the facility. He receives a forecast of the most likely changes at the site, taking into account natural processes, features of the operation of the facility. He is also given recommendations on how to avoid or neutralize the possible negative consequences of these changes.
Recommendations are drawn up separately for each stage of object design.

Hydrogeological surveys are an important component of any engineering survey.
Without them, it is impossible to start work in any case, since the type of future foundation, the need to carry out work on soil drainage, and organization of a drainage system depends on the determination of the hydrogeological characteristics of the soil.

If you skip this stage, then even when digging a foundation pit you can face many troubles, for example, with its constant flooding. In this case, the work is forced to stop, after which measures are taken to drain, drain water from the ground. As a result, valuable time and money is wasted.

The research performed allows us to solve such important tasks:

  1. Choose the right place for construction that meets all the norms and requirements
  2. Determine the level of groundwater, calculate how deep it is necessary to drill wells or dig a foundation pit
  3. Choose the type of future foundation, conditions for its waterproofing, protection, drainage system device
  4. Develop a master plan of the entire site intended for the construction object, determine the place for a well or well
  5. Think over the dimensions, type of structures of the future construction object, choose materials
  6. Assessment of the potential impact of wells, sewerage systems and other things on the environment

Hydrogeological studies are carried out by specialists, special wells are drilled at the site, water samples are taken, after which the necessary laboratory tests are carried out.

Soil, geobotanical and other surveys and surveys are carried out in order to obtain information about the state of land, including soil, as well as in order to identify lands prone to water and wind erosion, mudflows, flooding, waterlogging, secondary salinization, desiccation, compaction, waste pollution production and consumption, radioactive and chemical substances, contamination and other negative influences.

The information obtained as a result of the soil survey is used for agro-ecological assessment of land and for making decisions by state authorities and local authorities on the introduction of restrictions on land use, restoration, preservation and increase of soil fertility, improvement of natural landscapes, as well as for the development of farming systems, measures for the organization of rational use and protection of land, keeping records of the quality state of land resources, monitoring and assessing land, establishing payment for land. The scale of soil surveys is established depending on the intensity of land use, the complexity of the soil cover, the specialization of farms and their size.


If you are interested in conducting geological and engineering-geodetic surveys, our company is fully ready to provide this service. We have at our disposal our own accredited testing laboratory, modern equipment.
Cooperation with us is a guaranteed accuracy of research, reliability of conclusions and a reasonable price for geological surveys of the site as a complex of research.