Engineering services for ​technical supervision

Engineering services for ​technical supervision

Zhana Consulting LTD LLP was founded in 2008 and became one of the leading organizations that provide engineering services for technical supervision on technically and technologically complex facilities of the first level of responsibility.

10 years on the Kazakhstan market did not pass without a trace for Zhana Consulting LTD” LLP. High quality of work, carried out at the set time, allows to form a constantly updated portfolio of orders. Successful participation in major projects has made this line of activity of Zhana Consulting LTD LLP a priority.

The staff of Zhana Consulting LTD LLP consists of leading professionals in the industry who have high qualifications, a decent level of knowledge and successful experience in implementing large projects. We carefully select employees by conducting candidates through 2-4 interviews and checking key competencies.

Our engineers have certificates of experts for expert works and engineering services with the right to carry out activities by type of technical supervision by specialization:

  1. objects of the first level of responsibility in the part of load-bearing and enclosing structures
  2. objects of the first level of responsibility in terms of engineering networks
  3. objects of the first level of responsibility in terms of technological equipment

Thanks to the presence of all necessary specialists in the state, Zhana Consulting LTD LLP achieves maximum results in the shortest possible time.

Our company has own motor transport and all the necessary modern equipment for technical supervision.