This is engineering work to determine the bearing capacity of their units and structures, the state of utilities and the general technical condition. The survey results are drawn up in the form of a technical report with a description and photographic fixation of defects, conclusions and recommendations for strengthening the structures.
Documentation containing text and graphic materials that are an objective report on the survey of the building, conclusions about the technical condition of the building and its engineering systems, as well as recommendations for its further operation.
The procedure for determining the technical condition of buildings and structures, as well as their supporting structures. Based on the results (actual values of the monitored parameters) of the survey, it is possible to assess the suitability of the facility for further operation, reconstruction or determine the need for restoration, reinforcement or repair of building structures.
Technical inspection of a building or structure
is carried out by experts Zhana Consulting LTD LLP
Three stages
- Preparation for examination
- Preliminary (visual) examination
- Detailed (instrumental) examination
Using colossal experience, modern tools and technologies, we guarantee the quality and objectivity of all works on the technical survey of the building.
The reasons for conducting an engineering survey may be:
- Expiration of normal operation, lack of constant maintenance of structures and structural elements in good condition, failure to comply with the required temperature and humidity conditions in the premises, untimely maintenance of engineering equipment and technical systems
- Loss of the original properties of buildings and structures (physical deterioration)
- Expiration of the validity period of a previously executed technical conclusion
- Detection of various kinds of defects and damage during maintenance and operation that reduce the bearing capacity
- Explicit deviations of structures (deflections of beams and slabs, vertical displacement of columns) from the design positions, determined visually without the use of special instruments
- Results of natural disasters, accidents and fires
- Reconstruction of the building for the purpose of superstructure additional floor or attic, as well as when changing the functional change of the building associated with an increase in time heavy operational loads
- Overhaul with replacement of individual load-bearing structures, partitions, window and door fillings. In this case, it is necessary to draw up a detailed map of defects and damages to be able to establish the real cost of repairs
- Legalization of a building or structure, as well as extensions made without a specially developed project
- Lack of design and technical and executive documentation